meet the hewitt team
Our three studios – Architecture, Transportation Architecture and Landscape Architecture – combine to make up HEWITT. We’re a design firm dedicated to improving the way cities move and people live.
Principal, Director of Practice - Landscape Architecture
Matthew Porteous, PLA, ASLA
Matt pursues integrated and creative design solutions that focus on activating civic infrastructure and pedestrian-centered streetscapes to make inviting civic spaces, mixed-use communities and commercial developments. He excels at balancing the diverse needs of private development, cities, agencies with economic demands and public processes. Matt’s goal is to create experiences that leverage each site’s unique character and foster social connections.
His expertise lies in master planning, urban design, and landscape architecture. For 20 years, he has partnered with dozens of communities, cities, and architectural and engineering firms to design a diverse range of urban projects including civic and campus public spaces, mixed-use/residential, commercial and transit.

Principal, Director of Design - Landscape Architecture
Jake Woland, PLA, ASLA, LEED AP
Jake weaves the environmental and social together in the design of places for people, the thread connecting his background in Landscape Architecture, geology and theatrical design. With over 20 years as a design leader, Jake approaches the conceptualization of the space between buildings, with empathy and thoughtful consideration of place. He leads design teams creating stories of identity, interlacing green infrastructure and ecological opportunities with the unique project possibilities and constraints. These solutions are choreographed resulting in resilient projects that address the needs of the present and future city.
By nature an educator, Jake regularly lectures at UW, has taught urban design studios at Rutgers, and is the author of a highly regarded textbook on sustainable site design. He has worked across a wide variety of urban conditions and scales, including waterfronts, civic open spaces, transit facilities, streetscapes and single building to multiple block mixed use and commercial projects. Jake extends his excitement for sharing knowledge with our clients and teams, whether introducing and exploring new construction materials or the integration of layered benefits into urban design solutions. He is also a passionate and collaborative leader in seeking equitable and Anti-Racist approaches within the design community.

Founded in 1975
HEWITT is driven in the pursuit of inspired design that deepens the urban experience. We seek innovative solutions through a rigorous exploration of human constructs within historical, cultural and natural conditions. We focus our collective expertise and energy on a wide range of project types. Our work endeavors to evoke strong, positive emotional responses within the complexities of urban life.